Here are some tips on saving gas.
Avoid jack-rabbit starts and hard braking
Avoid revving engine
Slow down on the highway
Drive the speed limit for gas efficiency
Use cruise control on long stretches of road
Don’t idle excessively
Warm up vehicle for no more than 30-45 seconds
Minimize air-conditioning use
Use their flow-through ventilation on the highway
Open a window when driving in the city, instead of using air conditioner
Keep tires properly inflated
Avoid filling gas tank to top
Buy gasoline during coolest time of day
Buy gasoline in the morning or evening
Choose type and brand of gasoline carefully (check owner’s manual)
Accelerate before reaching hills, not on them
Have vehicle regularly maintained
Clean air filters increase air flow which prevents gas waste
Remove snow tires during good weather seasons
Remove excess weight from vehicle
Car pool whenever possible
Remove items that cause wind resistance, such as luggage racks
Wheel alignments serve your gas consumption better
Ride a bicycle or walk
Invest in Electric/Hybrid cars